At Home Treasure Hunt |
- Getting the first clue will be a joy. Look in the place where you would keep your toys.
- If you want to find more clues look on the place where you put your shoes.
- The next clue is easily seen if you look in the place where you go to get clean.
- While you are up and walking around, look under the place where you go to lie down.
- Look in the place where we keep the food cold.
- Go and look next to mummy’s/daddy’s shoes.
- Look on the windowsill in the room where you sleep.
- Behind the door is the next place to look.
- You might find something between the pages of a book.
- The final treasure is a treat. Go look under the place where you eat.
Top Tips
Have 10 small similar items to find. For example 10 penny’s, 10 leaves, 10 small stones
Hide a small item in each place.
Show your child what it is they are looking for.
Remember where you have hidden the objects; making a list is a good idea.
Make sure the objects/items are spread out to make the challenge last longer.
Number 10 last clue hide a small treat for them to find.