Dear Parent/Carer,
I hope that you are all well and still looking after each other.
It is the last day of our Nursery School term and without the majority of our children here to say goodbye, it has felt very strange indeed. In fact, I’m sure you’ll all agree that the last few months have been the strangest that any of us have ever experienced!
As the situation progresses and we move through stages of ‘new normal’, we hope that you will be planning to bring your children back to nursery in September. (Unless they are too big of course and will be going to school!)
We have been very busy making plans to welcome back larger numbers of children and are confident that should government guidance remain the same, we will be in a good position to do this safely.
Whilst there will be no expectation that our very young children adhere to social distancing, children will be playing and learning in their class bubbles, which will not mix at all whilst in Nursery. The playground will be divided up and lunch will be served in the classrooms. Children will be supported to wash their hands often and learn to practice good respiratory hygiene by catching coughs and sneezes in a tissue and putting it straight in the bin.
In order to keep everyone as safe as possible we would like you to drop off and pick up your children at the classroom doors via the playground. You will enter the school grounds from different gates and drop off and pick up times will be extended so that it doesn’t get too busy. Parents will not be permitted to enter the building apart from in exceptional circumstances. We will ask you to maintain social distancing between yourselves and other families at all times whilst on school premises.
If your child is unwell or if anyone in the household is displaying symptoms of coronavirus, we will ask you not to bring your child to Nursery. We will take every child’s temperature before they enter the building and you will be asked to take them home if it is high. We will need your support to make things as safe as possible.
The first day back at Nursery will be Monday 7th September. We will be in touch nearer the time and will let you know exactly where you need to come and who will be there to greet you. We will make sure that there is a familiar adult available to support you and your child at this important time and if you have any worries, questions or concerns, someone will be there to help.
Whilst some things at Nursery will be different, many will remain the same. There will be amazing, caring and supportive staff to take the very best care of you and your children. There will be stories and songs, climbing, building, outdoor play, experiments and experiences. There will fun, laughter and friends to share, play and learn with.
If you would like to speak to a member of the team over the summer break, please telephone St Edmund's and we will be happy to help.
Tel: 01274 543282
We hope you enjoy the summer with your families and can’t wait to see you all again in September!!
Sian and the Nursery Teams