Dear Parent/Carer,
I am writing with the latest update on the reopening of Lilycroft and St Edmund’s Nursery Schools to more children. Bradford Council sent the following advice to us this afternoon:
“Advice from public health has established that in our district, only two of the five tests set by government have currently been met. As a result, the council is concerned that the 1 June date is too soon for the safe return of nursery, reception, year one and year six pupils.”
There are concerns on-going regarding the rate of infection within the northern regions and whilst there is no Bradford “R” rate, the regional rate is considered to be appropriate to Bradford. The Council will not be recommending a specific date for schools to reopen.
Therefore, it is with regret that I have to inform you that it will not be possible for us to reopen either school to more pupils from 1st June as we had hoped.
St Edmund’s will be open from Tues 26th May for the children of key workers and we will of course be welcoming the children of Lilycroft’s key worker families too, should you wish them to come.
If you are finding things difficult at home and need support, we are here to help. Please contact us via email or by calling St Edmund’s (01274 543282).
Whilst it is of course disappointing for those of you who did wish your children to return to Nursery (disappointing for us too as we were REALLY looking forward to seeing you all), we have to put the health and safety of your children, yourselves and our staff first. We will only be able to open the schools to more children when it is safe to do so.
The situation is under constant and careful review and we will be using local information and advice to guide us in what is best for Bradford and best for us. We know you will understand and support us in the decisions that we have to make in these uncertain times.
Eid Mubarak to those of you who will be celebrating. Make sure you stay safe!
- Stay at home as much as possible
- Limit contact with other people
- Don’t visit other homes
- Avoid social gatherings
It will be really difficult at a time that is all about being together but the NHS in Bradford are extremely worried that there is going to be a spike in Covid-19 cases after Eid, so please try your very best to ‘Stay at Home’
As always, if you have any questions or concerns or need any help with anything at all, do get in touch.
Take care of one another,
Sian and the Nursery Teams