Love Books, Love Libraries is a fantastic scheme run by the wonderful ladies at Manningham library. A group of Lilycroft Nursery School children and their parents / carers attend for a session each week, supported by a member of the nursery team. They have a 'classic' story read to them by the librarian, take part in a creative activity based on that story and are also given a copy of the story to take home and keep to enjoy again and again. The library is keen to promote its wonderful services to all local families, as are we. Children can become members and borrow books from their exciting collection and there is a free drop in storytime session at 1pm every Sunday. Visit soon and take advantage of all they have to offer. 

Fostering a love of reading and books at home as well as at school is crucial to children’s future happiness and success.Click here to find out more about the importance of sharing books with your child every day.