24th March 2021
Dear Parent/Carer,
I am writing to let you know that you are now able to test yourself and the adults in your household for coronavirus using lateral flow tests at home. Nursery staff have been home testing for around two months now and most find it a simple, reassuring process. Most importantly, it helps us to identify positive cases and reduce the spread of the virus in school.
Testing is voluntary, but we hope that lots of you will take part as it will really help to stop those who don’t have symptoms spreading the virus unknowingly.
The information below should tell you everything you need to know but if you have any further questions please do ask.
Best wishes
Sian and the Nursey Team
Lateral Flow Testing at Home
Lateral flow tests are fast tests for coronavirus that can be done at home.
They normally take around 30 minutes.
The results are quick because they don’t have to be sent to a lab.
Lots of people who have coronavirus don’t get any symptoms.
This means they can pass the virus on to others without knowing.
Lateral flow tests will help us to find more people who have coronavirus, and help us stop the spread.
Lateral Flow Collect Kits
All households and support bubbles of children at nursery, primary and secondary schools and colleges can now get 2 rapid COVID-19 kits (with 7 tests in each kit).
Self-testing is now extended and you can regularly test your household and support bubble by collecting lateral flow tests (LFTs) for free from a local test centre (from 1.30pm to 7pm) if at least one household member or a member of your support bubble:
- attends a nursery or child care setting
- is a school or college pupil
- works in a school or college (including temporary workers or volunteers)
You can find your nearest site to collect test kits by visiting https://find-covid-19-rapid-test-sites.maps.test-and-trace.nhs.uk/
You don’t need an appointment, just call into one of the testing centres to collect the free LFT kits.
- Centenary Square Bradford,
Monday to Sunday 3pm to 8pm - Victoria Hall, Keighley,
Monday to Sunday 3pm to 8pm - Bradford University, Bradford
Monday to Sunday 3pm to 8pm
What should I do after I have done my test?
If your test is positive you will be told about self-isolating.
This means staying at home and not having contact with anyone you don’t live with.
If your lateral flow test is negative, you must still be careful and carry on following the latest rules.
Wash your hands often and try not to touch your face. Keep 2 metres or 3 large steps away from people that you don’t live with.
Do regular lateral flow tests (twice a week or every 3 or 4 days) to help stop the spread of coronavirus.
What should I do if I have the symptoms of coronavirus?
The main symptoms of coronavirus are a new cough, a high temperature and loss of taste or smell.
If you or anyone who lives with you gets these symptoms you must stay at home.
Book a PCR test online at www.nhs.uk/coronavirus or ring 119.